Nau mai haere mai

Te Moananui a Toi

Kimihia ngā mahi, ngā akoranga, te tautoko pakihi me ngā ngohe ki Te Moananui a Toi, me ōna rawa katoa, arā ngā ngahere, te ahumāra me te whakatipu kai

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Free career advice

Are you looking for career advice?

Book a free one-on-one session with a qualified career expert who can guide you in:

  • looking and preparing for job opportunities
  • exploring study and training options
  • understanding your transferable skills
  • creating a personalised career plan

Online and phone appointments are available across the country. Contact us to find out about appointments available near you:

Mt Maunganui
When: Every Tuesday and Thursday, 8.30am - 5pm
Where: Via phone conversation, zoom call or in-person appointments. In-person appointments are available on Thursdays by appointment.

Request an appointment, email

When: Monday to Thursday, 9am-4pm and Friday 9am-12pm
Where: PeopleHQ, 1136 Fenton Street, Rotorua for face-to-face appointments
Online and phone appointments also available.

To request an appointment please email

When: Monday to Friday
Where: Phone or online appointments available

Request an appointment please email:

IRD at Connected

Get free income and tax advice.

Come and meet an IRD representative who can help you with enquiries related to:

  • Income tax
  • Working for Families Tax Credits
  • Student loan
  • Child support
  • General tax

To arrange for an appointment, email: with your name, mobile number and/or email address.

Job seekers drop-in seminars

Thinking about mahi? Come and meet the team who can help.

Keen to find out what local opportunities are available right now? Come along to the Job seekers drop-in seminars brought to you by Connected Rotorua.

Here you will meet work brokers, careers practitioners, and two new guest exhibitors every month who are employers and training providers. Pop in and hear about some current employment and training opportunities near you.

When: First Wednesday of every month, 11am - 12pm
Where: Ministry of Social Development, Rotorua (1207 Pukuatua Street, Ground Floor)

To find out more, get in contact with the team at 

Study information sessions

Are you thinking about enhancing your skills for the future job market?

Meet with representatives from Toi-Ohomai to explore a variety of study options and learn about the financial support available to help you succeed while you study.

We have contacts across the Bay of Plenty who are willing to help with your study choices. 

To chat with a team member, please email:

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Seasonal jobs in the Bay of Plenty

Looking for a new seasonal job in the fruit or vegetable industries?

Pick NZ offer a range of Jobs in the horticulture industry and training is provided on the job! There are jobs for young, old, experienced and inexperienced people. All you need is your commitment and reliability – and to bring along your enthusiasm!

See the jobs available now (external link)

Community Facilitator

Do you want to make a difference to the lives of disabled people within your community?

Connexu is looking for full-time, part-time, and casual Community Facilitators in Waikato, Bay of Plenty, and the Lakes District (Taupo).

Work in a supportive and fun environment which is an integral part of the rewarding career you could have in the health sector.

You will be offered on the job training including:

  • CPI Safety
  • Medication
  • Crisis Prevention, and
  • First Aid.
Discover more (external link)

Varied opportunities in Ōpōtiki District

The Workforce Team at the Ōpōtiki District Council are showcasing lots of interesting job opportunities, along with information about industry training and support.

New opportunities are added every week.

Current job opportunities include:

  • Support Workers
  • Bar Staff
  • Baker
  • Orchard Workers

View job opportunities (external link)

Retail jobs

Do you enjoy assisting people and have a passion for retail?

The Bay of Plenty offers a variety of opportunities in the retail industry where you can interact with customers, help deliver quality products and make every shopping experience memorable.

You can look for jobs available such as:

  • Sales Assistant
  • Retail Manager
  • Store Supervisor, and more.
Explore jobs (external link)

Hospitality jobs

Would you like to join a thriving industry that is all about creating great customer experiences?

There are a number of jobs across the Bay of Plenty where you can assist in providing top-notch services to customers. You will be working in a fast-paced environment and will need flexibility to choose from roster-based shifts. Most jobs are entry level and ideal if you are willing to explore the hospitality industry.

You could be working as a:

  • Cook
  • Kitchen Hand
  • Barista
  • Food and Beverage Attendant, and more.
Explore jobs (external link)

More Bay of Plenty jobs

Looking for other work? Check out Find a Job, Work and Income’s recruitment website.

Find a Job is for anyone looking for work – you don’t have to be on a benefit. If you find a job you’re interested in, contact Work and Income to be put in touch with the employer.  

Visit Find a Job (external link)
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Site Safe Certificate

Complete your Site Safe Certificate over Virtual Reality in the Bay of Plenty.

Would you like to complete your Site Safe Certificate to better your chances of finding employment, or get hands on experience in a variety of careers using Virtual Reality?

Connected Bay of Plenty offers this service to you at no cost.

If you would like to know more on how you can access this opportunity or you would like to know how you can book a spot, please email:

Initiate Wāhine - Taupō

Wāhine be empowered and get access to the tools you need to find a job and succeed.

Initiate Wāhine is a free five week career development programme in Taupō, designed to support women in finding a job they love.

The Development Hub are on a mission to help you into mahi you love. You’ll learn:

  • How to write a CV and cover letter
  • How to interview confidently
  • How to set goals
  • How to create budgets
  • Communication skills
  • Confidence and self esteem, and lots more.

To support you in your learning, you'll have access to a laptop.

Register your interest (external link)

Virtual Reality industry training

Explore work industries through virtual reality.

Discover the following industries through VR:

  • Security 
  • Kiwifruit Pruning
  • Water Careers
  • Earth Moving 
  • Traffic Control
  • Working at heights
  • Tourism, and more.

To find out more, contact the team at

Please note, you will need to confirm your name, phone number and driver license for Site Safe Civil or Construction licenses. 

Online healthcare training

Gain free assistance towards becoming a support worker with MySkill.

Are you interested in learning through self-paced online training? With MySkill you can work towards an NZQA Health and Wellbeing Certificate Level 2. You can self-refer to 'Free Online Healthcare Training & Job Placement'.

To be eligible you must be:

  • An NZ permanent resident or citizen
  • Out of full-time work.
Find out more (external link)

Support for young job seekers - Rotorua

Helping you to achieve your aspirations and celebrate your success.

Youth Employment supports 15-24 year old’s wellbeing and guides you on a pathway to achieve success in education, training and employment.

Taiohi Tūrama will:

  • provide mentoring and coaching to support you to find the job you want
  • work with you to develop your skills and confidence
  • help you identify goals and create a plan to work towards achieving them
For more information (external link)

Taupō pathways for youth employment

Get set for life with the licence to work programme.

If you are aged between 16 to 25 years old. This free programme supports you to get work ready!

The programme will cover the following:

  • Career planning
  • Learning about what the workplace expects of you
  • Workplace visits
  • Driver's licence & lessons
  • Health & Safety Course
  • First Aid Course
  • Connecting you with employers
  • Building your confidence
  • Lots of hands on fun!

The work experience process:

  • Learn and practice how to succeed in the workplace
  • Try out work experience opportunities
  • Prove yourself and turn it into employment!

Find out more (external link)

Get your driver licence

Are you having trouble passing your licence tests? Need some help? (external site) is a fantastic free resource available to help you prepare for your learner, restricted or full driving licence test. It can also help friends/family that are supporting you to be better instructors. We know how difficult it can be with license testing and we want to see the Bay of Plenty suceed, so check the latest offerings!

Learners Licence
The all important first step to getting behind the wheel. (external site) offers a free interactive road code and official practice tests so you will know when you are ready to ace your test.

Restricted/Full Licence
Free app and instructional videos so you can master the right skills (instead of your parents bad habits), prepare and know what to expect on test day.

If you have any questions about driver licence or you're wanting to chat to someone contact the team at

Financial capability

Do you need help to manage your personal finances? Study for a certificate in financial literacy.

Get the tools to plan for your future, save, manage your budget and learn from home with amazing resources and regular visits from a kaitiaki (support person).

You will learn about:

  • Setting goals and budgeting
  • Managing income
  • Spending
  • Managing debt
  • Saving and investing
  • Creating wealth and protecting assets
For more information (external link)

Choose your course

Whatever level you’d like to study at, you can find a course to suit you in the Bay of Plenty.

Click on the link below to find the field of study and type of qualification to interest you. Qualifications range from certificate level 1-3 to doctorates.

Find your course now (external link)
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One hour of free business advice

The Tauranga Chamber of Commerce is offering new business owners, freelancers, sole traders and even social enterprises and not-for-profits access to one hour of free business advice.

Their business advisor can help you to understand how to get started, and what they need to be thinking about in the short and long term.

For more infomation on the support available and to book a consultation visit the Tauranga Chamber of Commerce (external site) website. 

Find out more and book an appointment (external link)

Upskill online

Help your staff to gain a certificate through a range of short courses.

Whether it’s new staff you need to upskill quickly, or experienced people who need a refresh, these courses are practical and contain information you need to know to help protect and build your business. These courses can be completed anytime and anywhere.

Choose from any of these courses:

  • Hospo safe – your online food and workplace safety essential
  • Introduction to Customer Service Skills
  • Introduction to Visitor Experience
  • Resolving Customer Complaints Effectively.
For more information (external link)

Te Heke Mai

Te Heke Mai is a coaching programme providing support to anyone who is looking for work, in training or starting new jobs.

Through a handy app, friendly real-life coaches help you to set goals specific to your individual journey and support and coach you through your journey and towards achieving your goals.

Te Heke Mai is designed to mentor and help individuals grow the skills to manage life and work challenges.

To discuss further email or Phone 0800 938474

Find out more (external link)

Your business and tax

Attend face to face seminars or webinars to guide you setting up your business correctly to meet your tax obligations.

Inland Revenue (IR) offers three practical sessions:

  • Starting a business? Introduction to Business offers information on the different ways to structure your business, expenses you can claim, and how income tax and provisional tax works.
  • Are you registered for GST or thinking of registering for GST? GST is to help you learn who needs to register for GST, what GST is charged on, what information must be recorded and how to send this to them, and ceasing your GST registration.
  • Are you employing? The Employers session covers who needs to register as an employer, and what information must be recorded and how to send it to IR.

With a choice of format, don't miss out and register today!

Check your options (external link)

Whakarite hui ki te toro atu ki tō pokapū Connected ā-rohe kia ako ai koe me pēhea e taea ai e ngā pūtahi kāwanatanga te āwhina i a koe ki te kimi mahi, whakangungu, tautoko pakihi rānei.


Pokapū Mahi Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora/Te Hiranga Tangata
9 Owens Place
Mount Maunganui 3116


Pokapū Mahi Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora/Te Hiranga Tangata
Ground Floor
1207 Pukuatua Street
Rotorua 3010


Pokapū Mahi Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora/Te Hiranga Tangata
24 Pyne Street
Whakatāne 3120
