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Te Taitokerau

Kimihia ngā mahi, ngā akoranga, te tautoko pakihi me ngā ngohe ki te kāinga o te wera ki Te Taitokerau, tētahi o ngā takiwā o Aotearoa e tere whakatipu ana

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Job Explore 2025

Discover a range of exciting employment, education and training opportunities.

Join us for a fun, interactive day featuring 50+ exhibitors for all ages. At this one stop careers shop, you will get to:

  • meet with employers who are ready to hire
  • test out the virtual reality headsets
  • explore different training and career pathways
  • enjoy free sausage sizzle and spot prizes

When: Tuesday 18 March, 9:30am - 2pm
Where: Te Ora Hou Centre, 104 Corks Road, Tikipunga, Whangārei

For more information, contact or visit your local Work and Income office. 

Register today (external link)

Free career advice in Northland

Come along for a free one-to-one session with a career expert that can help you make a personalised career plan.

This session can provide you with advice on:

  • studying or training
  • changing careers
  • preparing your CV and cover letter
  • job appplications.

When: Services are available across the week - you must book.
Where: Whangarei & Kaipara Connected Centre, 4 Albert Street, Whangarei or online, via Zoom

Make a booking with Muriel Willem, or call 027 633 4171

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Hospitality jobs

Would you like to join a thriving industry serving great customer experiences?

There are a number of jobs across Northland where you can assist in providing top-notch service to customers. You will be working in a fast-paced environment and need flexibility to choose from roster-based shifts.

Most jobs are entry level and ideal if you are wanting to explore the hospitality industry.

You could be working as a:

  • Pastry Cook Assistant
  • Kitchen Hand
  • Barista
  • Food and Beverage Attendant, and more.
Explore jobs (external link)

Retail jobs

Do you enjoy assisting people and have a passion for retail?

Northland offers a variety of opportunities in the retail industry where you can interact with customers, help deliver quality products and make every shopping experience memorable.

You can look for jobs available at various outlets such as:

  • Supermarkets
  • Hardware stores
  • Service stations, and more.
Explore jobs (external link)

Work for Te Whatu Ora

Do you want to contribute in making a healthier Northland?

Join a workplace where you will have the opportunity to help drive the organisational culture while helping people with health needs.

Te Whatu Ora encourages collaboration and leadership and you will have plenty of opportunities to develop and upskill.

There are vacancies open in a number of areas ranging from nursing, engineering to customer service.

Find out more (external link)

More Northland jobs

Looking for other work? Check out Find a Job, Work and Income’s recruitment website.

Find a Job is for anyone looking for work – you don’t have to be on a benefit. If you find a job you’re interested in, contact Work and Income to be put in touch with the employer.  

Visit Find a Job (external link)
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E2E Te Tai Tokerau

Helping Northlanders pathway from education to employment, and find positive connections which deliver genuine outcomes.

E2E Whangarei provides substantial information on where you can access help if you are:

  • Seeking training or new skills
  • Job Hunting
  • Losing your job
  • Wanting to be self employed or a contractor
  • In work but wanting to upskill into something better
  • In School
  • Have children in education or training

Interested in having a Kōrero? Contact 022 564 5322 or email

For more information (external link)

Tertiary Foundation Certificate

A one-year free programme aimed at preparing you for undergraduate studies. 

If you aspire to do tertiary study and want to build your knowledge, skills and confidence to reach your academic potential, then TFC is for you. It’s also a pathway for those who didn’t get University Entrance (UE) or didn’t meet requirements for their chosen degree course.

Located at the university’s Tai Tokerau Campus in Whangārei. Study is mostly face-to-face with two days per week on campus.

Completing TFC at Tai Tokerau offers a guaranteed path to undergraduate degrees in the faculties of Arts, Business, Education, and Law at University of Auckland. You will need to:

  • be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident
  • have completed Year 13 or been out of school for at least one calendar year after Year 12 (if under 20 years old).
Find out more (external link)

Ngā Ara Tōnui - Successful Pathways

Are you between 16-19 years, leaving school soon and looking for employment? 

Attend Mauri Mahi, Mauri Ora programme, a client centred holistic approach to securing sustainable employment opportunities for rangatahi. 

You will attend an 8-week intensive personal and career development programme, including:

  • Budgeting
  • First aid
  • Driver licensing
  • Employment preparation, and
  • Support into work/study.

10 months long-term manaaki tangata (pastoral care) is provided for those already employed or those still searching.

Where: Te Ora Hou Northland, 104 Corks Road, Tikipunga, Whangārei

Interested in finding out more, phone 0800 MAHI UP or pop in for a korero.

For more information (external link)

Learn with Literacy Aotearoa

Get the help you need to take charge of your life by improving your reading, writing and maths skills.

Literacy Aotearoa is committed to helping you in the way that suits you best. You'll get private, one-to-one or small group tutoring from trained tutors using methods that work.
Literacy Aotearoa will find out what you want to learn, and why. That puts you in charge of your own learning. When learning is relevant to you, it's more interesting, which means you can achieve better results faster.

What’s more, it will cost you nothing.

Where: Civic Arcade (Upstairs), 37 Bank St, Whangarei

For more information, call Zana Steer on (09) 438 2511 or email

Drivers Licence training support

Are you facing challenges in progressing to the next stage of your drivers licence?

You can receive support from Work and Income. They have partnered with local Tai Tokerau service providers to offer assistance to help you overcome barriers on your path to obtaining your drivers licence.

Support can include:

  • Driving Lessons - Learn essential skills to build confidence.
  • Literacy and Numeracy Support - Overcome reading and math challenges to help you succeed in passing your learners theory test.
  • Financial Coverage - Assistance with costs associated with obtaining your drivers licence such as; testing fees, eye tests, and more.

Drop by your local Work and Income office to have a chat about eligibility and enrolment into our licence support programmes. Let's explore how you can be road ready with support from Work and Income!

Choose your course

Whatever level you’d like to study at, you can find a course to suit you in Northland.

Click on the link below to find the field of study and type of qualification to interest you. Qualifications range from certificate level 1-3 to doctorates.

Find your course now (external link)
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Grow your business

Providing businesses guidance and support when needed.

Northland Inc has a group of business advisors who are available to help businesses grow. 

Business supports has been grouped in to health, wellbeing, economy and Iwi and communities. 

Find out more (external link)

Whāriki Te Tai Tokerau

Whāriki Te Tai Tokerau is a place to connect and weave bonds of whanaungatanga, a foundation for Māori economic success and a platform for Māori entrepreneurial excellence.

Whāriki is a metaphor for the weaving of whanaungatanga in business.

As Tai Tokerau branch, one of the largest Māori business networks, Whāriki Te Tai Tokerau connects whānau of pakihi Māori from across the rohe with one another. 

The Whangārei based team are ready to connect, support and work alongside you as you look to build and grow your business, dreams, and community.

Contact Marlene Richard for a kōrero today or 021 859 119. 

Your business and tax

Attend face to face seminars or webinars to guide you setting up your business correctly to meet your tax obligations.

Inland Revenue (IR) offers three practical sessions:

  • Starting a business? Introduction to Business offers information on the different ways to structure your business, expenses you can claim, and how income tax and provisional tax works.
  • Are you registered for GST or thinking of registering for GST? GST is to help you learn who needs to register for GST, what GST is charged on, what information must be recorded and how to send this to them, and ceasing your GST registration.
  • Are you employing? The Employers session covers who needs to register as an employer, and what information must be recorded and how to send it to IR.

With a choice of format, don't miss out and register today!

Follow for upcoming events (external link)

Whakarite hui ki te toro atu ki tō pokapū Connected ā-rohe kia ako ai koe me pēhea e taea ai e ngā pūtahi kāwanatanga te āwhina i a koe ki te kimi mahi, whakangungu, tautoko pakihi rānei.


Pokapū Mahi Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora/Te Hiranga Tangata
Keri Centre, 2 Fairway Drive
Kerikeri 0230


Pokapū Mahi Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora/Te Hiranga Tangata
Walton Plaza
4 Albert Street
Whangārei 0110
