Getting started

Advice and tools to help with setting up in business.

Starting a business

Getting started — has a package page with resources for getting your business up and running. From tips to templates, you’ll find it all in one place.

What it's about has tips, tools, visual guides, and case studies to point you in the right direction when starting a business. Find information on planning, getting set up, funding and finance on the getting started package page to help you get started on the right foot.

Who it's for

These resources are for all New Zealanders in business. They’re built with small to medium business owners at front of mind. No matter your geographical location, or your industry, provides information to help you thrive.

Start your own business

Ministry of Social Development

Work and Income have a range of supports to help you if you’re starting your own business.

What it's about

Supporting people to develop and start their own business.

You can get help with:

  • advice and training on how to start a business
  • help with essential start-up costs
  • subsidies for living costs while you’re getting started.

Who it's for

Each type of support has different criteria you need to meet, these are outlined on the Work and Income website.

Support for business

Inland Revenue

Inland Revenue are here to support you with understanding your responsibilities around tax and social policy obligations, helping you get it right from the start.

The website holds key information that will help when you’re looking to start working for yourself.

What it's about

You can get support with:

  • Starting your business
  • Choosing a business structure
  • Running your business – education seminars/webinars and videos
  • Income tax
  • GST
  • Employing people

Who it's for

Anyone setting up a new business, support for those already in business and those wanting to close down an existing business. 

Help with costs while you set up your business

Flexi-wage — Ministry of Social Development

If you are out of work and want to start your own business but need some support, Work and Income may be able to help with Flexi-wage Self-employment.

What it's about

If you’re out of work and want to start your own business, Flexi-wage Self-employment may be able to support you and help with costs while you get started.

Who it's for

You may be able to get Flexi-wage Self-employment if you’re:

  • within New Zealand’s working-age population
  • out of work
  • disadvantaged in the labour market (which means you have, or are expected to have, difficulty getting or keeping a job), and
  • at risk of long-term unemployment.

What it offers

Flexi-wage Self-employment includes:

  • $600 a week over 28 weeks, totalling $16,800 (pro-rated for those pursuing self-employment part-time)
  • funding support through a Business, Training and Advice Grant, up to $5,000.

Employment New Zealand website

Employment New Zealand

The Employment New Zealand website provides a wide range of information and resources, to help employers and employees understand their rights and obligations. Employment New Zealand is part of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.

What it's about

The website provides practical, operational, and best practice employment information to help employers and employees understand what they can do and how they should do it.

Who it's for

The website is free to use for any member of the public. This includes both employers and employees, but also any other individuals and organisations.

What it offers

The information on the website aims to support positive relationships between employers and employees, and to promote safe, fair, and harmonious workplaces.

Employment Learning Modules

Employment New Zealand

The Employment Learning Modules on the Employment New Zealand website are free to access. These will help you and your employees learn about your rights and responsibilities in the workplace.

What it's about

The Employment Learning Modules are short online courses on a range of topics relating to employment – working arrangements, employment agreements, pay and wages, etc. The new module, ‘An Introduction to Your Employment Rights’, comes in 8 different languages, and also comes with a voice-over function.

Who it's for

The modules are free to access, use, and sign up for, by any member of the public. This includes both employers and employees, but also any other individuals and organisations.

What it offers

You and your employees will gain a better understanding of your rights and responsibilities under New Zealand employment law.

Digital Skills provides access to free, self-paced training to assist small businesses in gaining digital skills.

What it's about

Learn the digital skills to boost your business. Whatever stage you’re at, use digital to do business smarter. 

See how other Kiwi business owners are using digital to boost their business and work smarter. Access free pre-recorded webinars to gain the skills to launch your business into the digital world. 

Who it's for

For all New Zealand small businesses, no matter what stage or business structure you’re in. 

Choose business structure

Each different way to structure your business has different legal and financial obligations. Most businesses in New Zealand are sole traders, companies, or partnerships.

What it's about

There are different ways to structure your business, depending on how you plan on running it.

Who it's for

Anyone thinking of starting a business

What it offers

Answer three quick questions to see which structure is best suited for your business idea.

Workplace Policy Builder

Policies set out the rules for your workplace. They tell your workers what you expect from them, and what they can expect from you.

What it's about

Workplace policies, together with employment agreements, are a great foundation for employment relationships.

Who it's for

All employers.

What it offers

Build a workplace policy to let your workers know what to expect at work.

Going contracting has tips, tools, templates and case studies to help you get set up to go contracting.

What it's about

You’ll find information about:

  • setting up as a contractor
  • managing finances
  • different business structures
  • finding work
  • tax and expenses
  • checking your contracts
  • insurance
  • government help.

Who it's for is free to use by any member of the public. The content is designed with New Zealand small businesses front of mind.     

Employment Agreement Builder

Create tailored employment agreements for your staff. Employment agreements are a legal requirement and a great foundation for an employment relationship.

What it's about

Employment agreements are a legal requirement for all employees.

Who it's for

All employers.

What it offers

Create tailored employment agreements for your staff.

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