Study and Education Options

Learn about different study options and specific programmes that can support you in your journey to work or learn.

Tertiary study and training options

Ministry of Education

Discover options for learning beyond school, including universities, industry training, wānanga and polytechnics.

What it's about

Learn about different study and training options including universities, polytechnics, wānanga, industry training organisations and more! This resource can also help you think about what to consider when choosing one!

Who it's for

Students and whānau across New Zealand.

What it offers

This resource offers an overview of study options beyond school, links to where you can find more detailed information and clear communication about how each of these options is different from the others!

Choose a vocation for a better future

Whether you're looking for your first job or retraining, there are hundreds of options with vocational education and training. You can study towards nationally recognised qualifications online, in a classroom or on the job where you can earn while you learn.

What it's about

Vocational education and training programmes teach skills that you can use in specific jobs. There are hundreds of options and several ways to learn.

You can study online or in the classroom. You can also do an apprenticeship, which lets you earn while you learn on the job.

Who it's for

New Zealanders who are looking for a career path or want to retrain. 

What it offers

Learn about resources and financial support that you might be able to get to help pay for your study or training.

Adult and community education courses

Want to upskill or prepare for study and training but busy during the day? Learn skills at night or on the weekend through adult and community education classes.

What it's about

How you can study during nights or weekends to learn useful work skills and build confidence for future learning.

Who it's for

People busy during the day who want to learn new skills. People who want to get confident to go into tertiary study or apprenticeships. People who need to improve their work ready skills, such as literacy. People who want to learn new skills, such as computing, to find a new job or progress in their career.

What it offers

  • Information on adult and community education classes
  • Links to course provider websites.

About tertiary study and training

Ministry of Education

As your child gets to senior secondary school, they will start to think about what they want to do after school. There are options for more study, getting prepared for work, on-the-job training and more.

What it's about

Find out more about the range of opportunities available, including tertiary study, vocational training, apprenticeships and on-the-job training.

Who it's for

Parents and carers who wish to explore further education and training options.

What it offers

Useful information and links to help parents and carers understand about the tertiary study and training options for ākonga | students while they are at school and after they leave.

Options for study or training after redundancy

Redundancy could be your opportunity to upskill, or find a new career. Find study or training you can fit into your life, and options for scholarships or free fees.

What it's about

Study or training options, and how to fund them, for people who have been made redundant.

Who it's for

People who have recently been made redundant and need to upskill or change careers to find work.

What it offers

  • An overview of study or training options suitable for adults retraining.
  • Information on scholarships and fees free.
  • Options for getting NCEA or recognition of prior learning.

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