Hawke's Bay

Find jobs, courses, business support and events in the Hawke’s Bay region, famous for its food, wine and relaxed lifestyle

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Free career advice

Are you looking for career advice?

Book a free one-on-one session with a qualified career expert who can guide you in:

  • looking and preparing for job opportunities
  • exploring study and training options
  • understanding your transferable skills
  • creating a personalised career plan

Online and phone appointments are available across the country. Contact us to find out about appointments available near you:

When: Face-to-face appointments are available on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Where: Connected Centre, Work and Income,
245-247 Tennyson Street, Napier

Online and phone appointments are also available.

To request a session email: connectednapier@msd.govt.nz

When: Face to face appointments are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Where: Connected Centre, Work and Income,
506 Eastbourne Street West, Hastings

Online and phone appointments are also available.

To request a session email: connectedhastings@msd.govt.nz

When: Face-to-face appointments are available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Where: Work and Income, 8 Swansea road, Flaxmere, Hastings 

Online and phone appointments are also available.

To request a session email: connectedhastings@msd.govt.nz

Napier drop-in sessions

Come along to chat with Connected in Napier about local employment, study and training opportunities. 

An employment liaison advisor will be on site to discuss what services and programmes are available in Hawke’s Bay to support you regarding:

  • free career advice
  • local job search
  • training courses
  • how to use the Connected website, and more.

Drop-in sessions will be on a monthly basis starting in February 2025

When: Fridays 14 Feb, 7 March, 4 April, 2 May, 6 June, 11am – 1pm
Where: EIT Maraenui learning centre, 18-20 Bledisloe road, Maraenui, Napier

If you have any queries, or cannot physically make it and would like to request an appointment, send an email to: connectednapier@msd.govt.nz 

Hastings Library Drop-In Sessions

Get free support towards employment, education, training and business support queries. 

Pop into the Hastings library and have a chat about:

  • local job search
  • free career advice and CV support
  • training courses
  • how to use the Connected website, and more.

When: Wednesdays, 11am - 1pm
Where: Hastings library, 201 Eastbourne street East, Hastings

If you have any queries, or you can’t physically make it and would like to request an appointment, send an email at: connectedhastings@msd.govt.nz 

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Crop Farm Workers

Do you enjoy working outdoors?

Employers are looking for fit, keen, and reliable people to work in the crop farm and orchard business.

Duties include:

  • Pruning
  • Harvesting
  • Irrigation
  • Thinning
  • Spraying and general upkeep of orchard, and more.

Check out the opportunities (external link)

Work for Te Whatu Ora

Do you want to contribute in making a healthier Hawke's Bay?

Join a workplace where you will have the opportunity to help drive the organisational culture while helping people with health needs.

Te Whatu Ora encourages collaboration and leadership and you will have plenty of opportunities to develop and upskill.

There are vacancies open in a number of areas ranging from nursing, engineering to customer service.

Find out more (external link)

Construction and Infrastructure jobs

The construction industry in Hawke’s Bay is booming and employers are now recruiting for infrastructure and construction related jobs.

Jobs available range from entry level to skilled workers. Jobs and Skills Hubs can connect you to employers and jobs that match your skills and interests. 

If you are interested in starting a career in construction, contact the Hawke’s Bay Hub via email: hb_jobs_and_skills@msd.govt.nz

Explore jobs (external link)

More Hawke's Bay jobs

Looking for other work? Check out Work and Income’s recruitment website Kimi Mahi Mai.

Kimi Mahi Mai, Find a Job is for anyone looking for work – you don’t have to be on a benefit. If you find a job you’re interested in, contact Work and Income to be put in touch with the employer.  

Visit Find a Job (external link)
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Get work ready

Better skills, better jobs, better future with Land Based Training.

Land Based Training is an innovative and welcoming education provider with a focus on work preparation for the primary industries. You could gain the skills to create a career in agriculture, pest control, bees, forestry and more.

Land Based Training will help you with:

  • Work preparation
  • Transport
  • Literacy & numeracy
  • Foundation skills for land-based jobs
  • Level 1 & 2 credits

Rolling intakes are open now and transport is available from Napier and Hastings

Contact today (external link)

Digital Passport

Come and learn the basics of computers, AI and job-ready skills!

The Digital Passport is a free service that offers short courses for online learning. Current courses include Level 1, 2 and 3 in the following areas:

Job-ready skills 
Learn the basics for finding employment such as looking online for vacancies, employee rights, time management etc. 

Digital Skills
Learn computer basics such as using the internet, email, social media, Google Suite etc.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
These courses will give you some basic knowledge on AI. 

Sign up today (external link)

Online healthcare training and job placement

It’s never too late to start your new and rewarding career in healthcare with free online skills training and job placement support in a stable sector.

With MySkill you can gain an NZQA qualification in health, employment, and a stepping stone into the healthcare sector. 

Learn and move at your own pace, and be supported along the way into a career as a care worker. Do the training from the safety of your own home before being matched with a local employer for work.

MySkill eligibility:

  • NZ Citizen or NZ resident 
  • Must not currently be in fulltime work 

The job placement service is for you if you have not been working in the health sector in the last 5 years. 

Find out more and apply (external link)

Learn Te Reo Māori

Gain your NZ certificate in Te Reo Māori - Level 2 at EIT.

Eastern Institute of Technology, Te Aho a Māui (EIT) has a free 19 weeks long NZ certificate in Te Reo Māori course available. In this course you will:

  • learn Te Reo Māori at beginner level
  • engage in Māori and Marae activities 
  • engage in class-based activities

It is available at both the EIT Taradale campus, Napier, and the EIT learning centre in Hastings with full- and part-time learning opportunities. 

Find out more (external link)

Choose your course

Whatever level you’d like to study at, you can find a course to suit you in Hawke's Bay

Click on the link below to find the field of study and type of qualification to interest you. Qualifications range from certificate level 1-3 to doctorates.

Find your course now (external link)
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Interested in Self-employment?

Are you thinking about taking those first steps towards self-employment? Work and Income can help you get started.

Come along to a self-employment seminar to learn about support, resources and funding available to start your own business. The Self Employment Work Broker will discuss the following products, eligibility and what you'd need to do:

  • Business Training and Advice Grant
  • Self-employment start-up payment
  • Flexi-wage for self-employment.


When: Every Tuesday at 9am
Where: Napier MSD, 245-247 Tennyson Street

Find out more: selfemployment_ec@msd.govt.nz

Regional Insights and Information

Gain insights to the economic activity in Hawkes Bay for your business.

If you are looking at moving to Hawkes Bay for work and need information that could help you consider the change, check out the insights across the range of indicators.

You will be able to find information on:

  • Median income
  • Population projections
  • Industries by occupation
  • Businesses by number of employees, more.

Learn more about the region (external link)

Te Heke Mai

Te Heke Mai is a coaching programme providing support to anyone who is looking for work, in training or starting new jobs.

Through a handy app, friendly real-life coaches help you to set goals specific to your individual journey and support and coach you through your journey and towards achieving your goals.

Te Heke Mai is designed to mentor and help individuals grow the skills to manage life and work challenges.

To discuss further email hello@tehekemai.co.nz or Phone 0800 938474

Find out more (external link)

Your business and tax

Attend Face to face seminars or webinars to guide you setting up your business correctly to meet your tax obligations.

Inland Revenue (IR) offers three practical sessions:

  • Starting a business? Introduction to Business offers information on the different ways to structure your business, expenses you can claim, and how income tax and provisional tax works.
  • Are you registered for GST or thinking of registering for GST? GST is to help you learn who needs to register for GST, what GST is charged on, what information must be recorded and how to send this to them, and ceasing your GST registration.
  • Are you employing? The Employers session covers who needs to register as an employer, and what information must be recorded and how to send it to IR.

With a choice of format, don't miss out and register today!

Follow for upcoming and past events (external link)

Drop-in or make an appointment to visit your local Connected centre to find out about how government agencies can help you find a job, training or business support.


MSD/Work and Income Employment Centre
245 – 247 Tennyson Street
Napier 4110


MSD/Work and Income Employment Centre
506 Eastbourne St West

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